Simple Assault
“Simple assault” is a misdemeanor offense and is usually charged by prosecuting agencies as a violation of Penal Code section 240. This carries a maximum possible sentence of six months in county jail and a fine of up to $1,000, plus court costs. You may also be required to take a specified number of anger management classes, and there is also a very strong likelihood that a criminal protective order will be issued against you.
Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to fight “the system” alone by trying to take matters into your own hands. You need a skilled and experienced attorney who understands how to evaluate the evidence in your case and explore any potential defenses that may exist in the law.
If you or someone you love is facing criminal charges for simple assault, contact your Temecula/Murrieta criminal defense lawyer at the Law Office of Julie Ann Baldwin, APC for your free case consultation now. Your future and your freedom deserve to be taken seriously by an experienced attorney who is committed to quality representation and compassionate advocacy, every step of the way.
Client Reviews
"This has been the first time in my life that I was ever in need of legal representation. Julie took my worries and was able to make me feel at ease with the process, knowing what to expect, and potential outcomes. She handled my legal matter with confidence, charisma, and tenacity. She is both highly driven, and a skillful negotiator. She took what would otherwise be an incredibly stressful experience, and made it palatable. Thank you, Julie Baldwin." R.
"In May of 2021, I was arrested for a domestic related crime and immediately contacted criminal defense attorney, Julie Baldwin, for help. Julie reviewed every aspect of my case and developed an aggressive defense strategy. Her years of experience as a deputy district attorney and assertiveness gave me confidence in facing my charge which was ultimately dismissed by the district attorney's office. I highly recommend Julie Baldwin to anyone facing criminal charges and in need of legal assistance." WC
"I was in a bad place when I contacted Julie to be my defense attorney. I had 4 felony charges on me because of what my ex-wife did. I had legal issues in the military and was going through a divorce. All at the same time. Julie was so positive and uplifting. Julie was extremely proactive with the steps she recommended I take to prepare for court. She was very involved with all aspects of my life. Julie was concerned with more than just my court case. Her first-hand knowledge of the legal system was top notch and very comforting..." ATI